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Xenical 120mg Orlistat 120mg - 21 Capsules for Obesity Diet Weight Loss Slim

Xenical 120mg Orlistat 120mg - 21 Capsules for Obesity Diet Weight Loss Slim

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Short Description:

Product Description


Orlistat is a drug used to deal with being overweight or obese. Orlistat works by inhibiting enzymes that digest fat, so that the fat eaten is not digested and is not absorbed into the body.

Orlistat is only used as a prescription drug recommended by doctors. Weight loss programs must be supported by the application of regular exercise and consumption of healthy, low-fat foods, because these drugs only counteract the absorption of fat by one third of the portion of food consumed.

- Orlistat should only be consumed by adult obese people (aged 18 years and over).    
-Tell your doctor if you suffer from bile duct disorders, impaired food absorption,   diabetes, and kidney dysfunction.
-Avoid using this medicine if you have not consumed food without fat. Even more so if you haven't eaten any food. This medicine only reacts to foods that contain fat.
-Orlistat can interfere with the performance of a number of drugs (especially contraceptive drugs), and inhibits the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K if taken together. Therefore, if you are going to take Orlistat along with other drugs or supplements, you should consult your doctor first.
-If there is an allergic reaction or an overdose after taking Orlistat, see a doctor immediately.
Orlistat dose

Keep in mind, orlistat should only be consumed if prescribed by a doctor and for obese people aged 18 years and over.

Before using orlistat, it is advisable to first measure your body mass index (BMI). Orlistat is only recommended for obese people who have a BMI of 27 kg / m² or more.

The formula used in calculating BMI is body weight in kilograms divided by body height in meters squared (m²). For example, if a person's body weight is 66 kilograms and his height is 1.65 meters, then the calculation is 66 / (1.65 x 1.65) = 24.24 kg / m². If you still don't understand about the calculation of BMI, ask your doctor.

For obese people with a BMI of 27kg / m² or more, the dose of the drug is given 60-120 mg 3 times a day at each meal time per day. The dosage will be stopped if the obese sufferer has reduced 5 percent body weight within 12 weeks after taking the drug.
Take Orlistat Correctly

In taking orlistat, follow the doctor's advice and read the information contained on the medicine packaging.

Orlistat capsules should be consumed with the help of water when eating or no later than 1 hour after eating. Ignore the drug if you have not consumed any food or foods that contain fat. Orlistat only works if there is fat from food that enters the body.

Make sure there is enough time between one dose and the next. If you forget to take the medicine, ignore it and continue taking the drug as usual at the next meal. Do not double the orlistat dose in the next meal schedule to replace the missed dose.

The main treatment for obesity is a change in lifestyle to be healthier. It is recommended to eat foods with no excess calories, reduce fat consumption, and foods rich in fiber, and exercise regularly.

Store orlistat in a cool, dry place, and avoid direct exposure to sunlight, and keep out of reach of children.

The following are interactions that can occur if you use Orlistat together with other drugs:

    - Increase the risk of hypoglycemia, if given with diabetes medications.
    - Reducing the absorption of levothyroxine, vitamins A, D, E, K, iodized salt, and beta carotene.
    - Reducing blood levels of amiodarone and ciclosporin.
    - Reducing the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs (lamotrigine or valproate acid), antidepressants, antipsychotics, and antivirals.
    - Increases the risk of bleeding, if used with warfarin.
    - Reducing the effectiveness of birth control pills.